@IWantSimple  A big part of our process is about validation and details, but speed to market is also key. Make it simple!

John Smith

@IWantSimple  A big part of our process is about validation and details, but speed to market is also key. Make it simple!

Jane Smith

I want to Keep Texas Texan!

No worries, y’all. We promise to carefully protect your email address.

The federal government should keep its hands off of Texas

Texas should have low taxes—especially property taxes

Texas should enforce security at our border

Texans should enjoy the blessings of liberty

Texas should continue to be a place where businesses can grow, free from oppressive government regulation

You clearly care about what the future of Texas looks like for you and your family. We do too.

While we continue to see an influx of friends and neighbors from other states who have chosen to join us in our Texan way of life here in the Lone Star State, we want to make it clear that the Texas Public Policy Foundation is committed to policies that preserve liberty and freedom for you—and all Texans. 

But we need you to stand with us. Your signature on our Keep Texas Texan petition below lets us know that you’re in our corner and care about preserving liberty in our great state, both now and in years to come.

Please sign today:

I believe Texas is the greatest state in the nation, and I want to keep Texas the greatest state in the nation for my children, for my grandchildren, and for many generations to come. 

I believe that the Lone Star State was founded on the bedrock of liberty, and I reject any policies that reduce my freedoms or the freedoms of my fellow Texans. 

That’s why I believe that: 

As a Texan, I hereby sign this declaration to 
Keep Texas Texan.